Regimental arm badge
In India & Burma the badge was worn on a Red/Blue Diamond on the slouch hat
Brass shoulder title believed to be worn in India 1942-45
During the same period officers wore a slip on title
The Essex Regiment cap badge and buttons were worn
When the regiment was diluted the Basutos were given special permission to wear the Essex badge whilst serving with the regiment
A title “61 MIDDX RA” embroidered in gold on maroon was worn on the sleeve of the Battledress
No illustration available
A regimental arm badge was worn during the war. Illustration is from a written description
Cap badge worn with RA collar badges
Regimental arm badge – Croix de Guerre ribbon worn on both sleeves
Cap badge worn until 1940 when replaced by RA cap badge
Regimental arm badge believed to have been worn
Arm badge adopted by 222 Battery when on Malta
Cap badge worn on conversion with RA collar badges
Yeomanry cap badge & buttons were worn by the Yeomanry batteries, 217 & 218
At first, RA collar badges were worn on the Service Dress tunic but later these were changed for Yeomanry badges. These were a smaller version of the cap badge. Photos show Service Dress still being worn by OR’s in 1942.
The Herts Yeomanry badge was worn on the collar of Service Dress along with brass “YRA” titles. The RA cap badge was worn on all forms of headdress
The arm badge was adopted in mid 1940 when the unit was serving on Gibraltar
The HAC had their own version of the RA cap badge with H.A.C. replacing Ubique and Arma Pacis Fulcra replacing Quo Fas et Gloria Ducunt. The grenade collar badges also had Ubique replaced by H.A.C.
The HAC cloth title was worn at the top of the Battledress sleeve
Shoulder title “London Welsh” yellow on dark blue. Worn until about 1942