Air Defence Great Britain


Air Defence Great Britain

Gun Defended Areas (including maps of Heavy Anti-Aircraft sites)


Originally formed in 1925 as an RAF Command, Air Defence Great Britain consisted of Fighter Command and Royal Artillery/Royal Engineer anti-aircraft units. It was abolished in 1936 with responsibilites shared between Fighter Command and Anti-Aircraft Command. At first the Anti-Aircraft Divisions came under HQ Anti-Aircraft Command.
In Nov 40 the 3 Anti-Aircraft Corps were introduced.
Finally in Oct 42 the Corps and Divisions were replaced by 7 Anti-Aircraft Groups.


AA Cmnd  Air Defence Great Britain

HQ Anti-Aircraft Command (This badge was adopted by all Anti-Aircraft formations in 1943)



1 AA Corps Air Defence Great Britain

1 Anti-Aircraft Corps

HQ Uxbridge, Middlesex

1 AA Division 5 AA Division 6 AA Division 8 AA Division 9 AA Division
1 AA Division Air Defence Great Britain 5 AA Division Air Defence Great Britain 6 aa Division Air Defence Great Britain 8 AA Division Air Defence Great Britain 9 AA Division Air Defence Great Britain
Formed 1935
& Southampton
Formed 1938
Thames Estuary
Essex &
North Kent
Formed 1939
Bristol &
Formed 1940
Cardiff &
South Wales
Formed 1940


2 AA Corps

2 Anti-Aircraft Corps

HQ Nottingham, Nottinghamshire


2 AA Division 4 AA Division 10 AA Division 11 AA Division
2 AA Division 4 AA Division 10 AA Division 11 AA Division
East Midlands &
North East Anglia
Formed 1936
& Liverpool
Formed 1938
Formed 1940
Coventry &
West/Central Midlands
Formed 1940


3 AA Corps

3 Anti-Aircraft Corps

HQ Edinburgh, Scotland


3 AA Division 7 AA Division 12 AA Division OSDEF
3 AA Division 7 AA Division 12 AA Division OSDEF
Formed 1938
Formed 1939
South West Scotland
& Northern Ireland
Formed 1940
Orkney & Shetland


The Royal Artillery 1939-45