147 (Glasgow) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA)

147 (Glasgow) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) was converted from 57 Searchlight Regiment in March 1943 at Downpatrick. The Regiment was placed in suspended animation in January 1947 at Stockton on Tees. Personnel formed a new, war formed unit with the same number and was renumbered in the April as 116 Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA. The TA unit,  147 (Glasgow) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA), was re-constituted as 592 (Glasgow) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA(TA) in January 1947.

Illustrations of the formation badges under which a unit served or supported are given. This is no guarantee that the unit used this formations badge.

Mar 43   Formed from 57 Searchlight Regiment Downpatrick, Co. Down, UK
Mar 43   Conversion training Ballykinlar, Co. Down, UK
May 43 War Office 147 (Glasgow) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) War Office Control, 11 Anti-Aircraft Brigade Leigh on Sea, Essex, UK
Aug 43 Anti-Aircraft Command 147 (Glasgow) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) 1 Anti-Aircraft Group, 49 Anti-Aircraft Brigade London, UK
Oct 43 47 (London) Infantry Division 47 Infantry Division Piddlehinton, Dorset, UK
Oct 43 47 (London) Infantry Division 47 Infantry Division Chichester, Sussex, UK
Aug 44 Anti-Aircraft Command Anti-Aircraft Command Sussex coast, UK
Jan 45 Anti-Aircraft Command 5 Anti-Aircraft Group, 30 Anti-Aircraft Brigade Sunderland, County Durham, UK



Apr 43 492, 493, 495, 496
Jun 44 492, 493, 495



Oct 43 Bofors 40 mm Self Propelled


The Royal Artillery 1939-45