Became 8 Field Brigade RA in June 1924. The Regiment was re-designated as 8 Field Regiment RA from 8 Field Brigade in May 1938. It was organised on a two battery basis in September 1940 and re-organised with three batteries in November 1942. It became a Jungle Field Regiment in October 1943, reverting to a normal Field role in July 1944. Post war it was re-formed as 8 Royal Horse Artillery in December 1946. In April 1947 RHQ of 8 Field Regiment RA became 10 Anti-Tank Regiment and V and W Batteries went to 4 RHA while X Battery became Anti-Tank.
Illustrations of the formation badges under which a unit served or supported are given. This is no guarantee that the unit used this formations badge.
Sep 39 | 6 Indian Infantry Brigade | Lucknow, India | |
Sep 40 | Matruh Fortress | Mersa Matruh, Egypt | |
May 41 | Attached 22 Guards Infantry Brigade | Egypt | |
Jan 42 | 2 Armoured Brigade | N Africa | |
Feb 42 | 5 Indian Infantry Brigade | N Africa | |
Feb 42 | 70 Infantry Division | N Africa | |
Mar 42 | 70 Infantry Division | India | |
Oct 42 | Southern Army | India | |
Mar 43 | 25 Indian Division | India Reorganised as 8 Jungle Field Regiment |
Mar 44 | 25 Indian Division | Arakan, Burma (Myanmar) | |
Jun 45 | 26 Indian Division | India | |
Jul 45 | 36 Indian Division | Poona, India |
Jun 24 | H, V, W, X |
May 38 | AA, V, W, X |
Sep 40 | V/AA, W/X |
Nov 42 | V/AA, W, X |
Dec 46 | V, W, X |
Mar 43 | 16 x 25 pdrs, 16 x 3 inch Mortars |