157 Field Regiment RA

157 Field Regiment RA was formed in India in December 1940 with two batteries. A third battery was formed in January 1941. In May 1942 the Regiment was reduced to 2 batteries when 515 Battery joined 164 Field Regiment. Due to heavy casualties in Libya, 157 Field Regiment RA was disbanded in August 1942. RHQ was disbanded in the Middle East and 421 Battery was disbanded in India. 64 Battery was placed in suspended animation. It was re-formed in 165 Field Regiment four months later.

Illustrations of the formation badges under which a unit served or supported are given. This is no guarantee that the unit used this formations badge.

Dec 40   Formed India
Dec 40 Central Command India 157 field regiment ra Central Command India
May 41 10 Indian Division 157 field regiment ra 10 Indian Division Iraq
Jun 41 10 Indian Division 157 field regiment ra 10 Indian Division Persia (Iran)
Aug 41 10 Indian Division 157 field regiment ra 10 Indian Division Iraq
May 42 10 Indian Division 10 Indian Division N Africa
Jun 42 10 Indian Division 10 Indian Division N Africa
Jun 42 Middle East Land Forces GHQ Middle East Forces The Cauldron, Libya
Aug 42   Disbanded  



Dec 40 64, 421
Jan 41 64, 421, 515
May 42 64, 421



Jun 42 25 pdr



The Royal Artillery 1939-45