538 (Clyde) Coast Regiment RA (TA)

538 (Clyde) Coast Regiment RA (TA) was formed from the Clyde Heavy Regiment RA (TA), in January 1941. By the end of the war the Regiment became the HQ for a number of batteries stationed in the Orkney & Shetland Defences (OSDEF). The Regiment was placed in suspended animation in January 1946. 538 (Clyde) Coast Regiment RA (TA) was  reconstituted as 416 (Clyde) Coast Regiment RA (TA) in January 1947.

Illustrations of the formation badges under which a unit served or supported are given. This is no guarantee that the unit used this formations badge.

Jan 41   Formed from Clyde Heavy Regiment Clyde, Argyll & Bute, UK
Jan 41 Scottish Command 538 (Clyde) Coast Regiment RA (TA) Scottish Command Clyde, Argyll & Bute, UK
Dec 42   Clyde Fire Command Clyde, Argyll & Bute, UK
Jan 46   Suspended animation  



Jan 41 A, B, C, 407 (Stranraer)
Apr 41 152 (Cloch Point), 153 (Toward Castle), 154, 155 (Dunoon), 407
Sep 42 152, 153, 155, 308 (Ardhallow), 407
Jun 45 141, 142, 144, 158, 223, 268, 369


The Royal Artillery 1939-45