15 Coast Regiment RA

15 Coast Regiment RA was formed in Crete in December 1940 from personnel from the Nottinghamshire Yeomanry and other RA personnel. The Nottinghamshire Yeomanry returned to a cavalry role in April 1941. At the end of 1941 the Regiment moved to Beirut and by January 1942 was part of Beruit Fire Command. It was disbanded in March 1945.

Illustrations of the formation badges under which a unit served or supported are given. This is no guarantee that the unit used this formations badge.

Dec 40   Formed from Nottinghamshire Yeomanry & RA Crete
Dec 40   Creforce Crete
May 41 British Troops Egypt 15 Coast Regiment RA British Troops Egypt N Africa
Dec 41 9 Army 9 Army Beirut, Lebanon
Mar 45   Disbanded  



Dec 40 A, C, B/15, Y, Z, 207
May 41 207, X(RM), Z(RM), B(S Notts Yeo), Y(S Notts Yeo)
Nov 41 207, X/15
Jan 42 207, 396, 433
Oct 43 433, 434
Jul 44 433, 434, 435


The Royal Artillery 1939-45