97 Anti-Tank Regiment RA

97 Anti-Tank Regiment RA was formed from batteries of 63 & 64 Anti-Tank Regiments in July 1942 at Liburn Towers, Wooler. It served with 15 Infantry Division in the UK and North West Europe. 97 Anti-Tank Regiment RA disbanded in January 1945.

Illustrations of the formation badges under which a unit served or supported are given. This is no guarantee that the unit used this formations badge.

Jul 42   Formed from 63 & 64 Anti-Tank Regiments Wooler, Northumberland, UK
Jul 42 15 (Scottish) Infantry Division 97 Anti-Tank Regiment RA 15 Infantry Division UK
Jun 44 15 (Scottish) Infantry Division 15 Infantry Division NW Europe
Dec 44   Disbanded  



Jul 42 R, S, T
Jan 43 159, 160, 161, 286
Jan 43 159, 161, 286
Jun 43 159, 161, 286, 346



The Royal Artillery 1939-45