74 Anti-Tank Regiment RA

74 Anti-Tank Regiment RA was formed from cadres from 21 & 58 Anti-Tank Regiments, at Rushden in November 1940. Three batteries were formed with a fourth added in June 1943. 74 Anti-Tank Regiment RA was disbanded in December 1943 at “Ashbrook”, Roman Road, Middlesbrough.

Illustrations of the formation badges under which a unit served or supported are given. This is no guarantee that the unit used this formations badge.

Nov 40   Formed from 21 Anti-Tank & 58 Anti-Tank Regiments Rushden, Northamptonshire, UK
Dec 40 9 Armoured Division 74 Anti-Tank Regiment RA 9 Support Group UK
Jun 42 9 Armoured Division 9 Armoured Division UK
Nov 43   Disbanded Middlesbrough, Yorkshire, UK



Nov 40 A, B, C
Mar 42 Q, R, S
Jan 43 114, 115, 116
Jun 43 114, 115, 116, 337



The Royal Artillery 1939-45