105 Anti-Tank Regiment RA

105 Anti-Tank Regiment RA was formed at Almaza in Egypt in Decmber 1942 with three batteries. A fourth was added in March 1943. The Regiment served in Palestine, Sicily and Italy. 105 Anti-Tank Regiment RA was disbanded in April 1945.

Illustrations of the formation badges under which a unit served or supported are given. This is no guarantee that the unit used this formations badge.

Dec 42   Formed Almaza, Egypt
Mar 43 6 Army Group RA 6 Army Group RA Beni Yusef, Egypt
May 43 13 Corps 13 Corps Beni Yusef, Egypt
Jun 43 13 Corps 13 Corps Tripoli, Libya
Jul 43 8 Army 105 Anti-Tank Regiment RA 8 Army Floridia, Sicily
Aug 43 8 Army 8 Army Paterno, Italy
Aug 43 8 Army 8 Army Scordia, Italy
Sep 43 8 Army 8 Army Nicastro, Italy
Oct 43 8 Army 8 Army San Severo, Italy
Nov 43 8 Army 8 Army Celenza, Italy
Dec 43 8 Army 8 Army Monte San Angelo, Italy
May 44 13 Corps 13 Corps Cassino, Italy
Apr 45   Disbanded  



Dec 42 Q, 209 – Q known as B from Jan 43
Mar 43 209, 314 (ex A/95 ATk), 315 (ex B Bty), 316 (new Bty)



1942-43 2 batteries 6pdr Self Propelled Deacon, 2 batteries 6 pdr Ford B type portee
Apr 43 24 x Pheasant 17 pdr Guns, 22 x Morris FA Tractors, 1 x Guy FA Tractor
Jan 45 4 x 6 pdr Guns, 8 x 17 pdr Guns, 18 x M10 3 inch Self Propelled Guns, 12 x Valentine 17 pdr Self Propelled Guns (Archer)
9 x Stuart Tanks, 8 x Armoured Half Track Scout Cars, 3 x White Armoured Scout Cars


The Royal Artillery 1939-45