

Heavy Anti-Aircraft SiteHAA iconZ Projector BatteryZ Bty iconCoast BatteryCoast Bty icon
Airfieldairfield iconRadar StationRadar icon

The numbers in brackets after the site letter were added by me to differentiate between sites with the same letter code.

Site No.OS Grid Reference
ANZ 360 703
BNZ 381 658
CNZ 368 637
DNZ 314 620
ENZ 277 610
FNZ 233 609
GNZ 202 609
HNZ 208 662
JNZ 246 690
KNZ 288 692
K(2)NZ 294 692
LNZ 320 678
MNZ 305 667
NNZ 291 651
ONZ 394 613
PNZ 240 571
QNZ 405 540
RNZ 367 550
R(2)NZ 357 555
SNZ 402 637
TNZ 331 724
T(2)NZ 343 748
UNZ 345 710
VNZ 375 672
WNZ 352 591
XNZ 260 549
YNZ 186 666
ZNZ 373 699
MPNZ 366 679

Gun Strengths

Battle of Britain & the Blitz

Dates4.5 inch3.7 inch static3.7 inch mobile3 inch
May 40324210
Jun 4032866
Jul 4032886
Aug-Sep 4032846
Oct-Dec 4032806
Jan 41321006
Feb 41321004
Mar-Apr 41321204
May 41321604

Overlord & Diver

Dates4.5 inch3.7 inch MkVI3.7 inch static3.7 inch mobile
Mar 442406212
Apr-Jul 44240620
Sep 441212440
Jan 45816461
May 4542080
The Royal Artillery 1939-45