

Heavy Anti-Aircraft SiteHAA iconZ Projector BatteryZ Bty icon
Coast BatteryCoast Bty iconAirfieldairfield icon
Site No.NameOS Grid Reference
S7BeaulieuSU 424 044
S8MarchwoodSU 400 101
S9HounsdownSU 358 118
S10WestonSU 463 097
S15HaxlandSZ 441 995
S16Yew TreeSU 364 063
S17StonehamSU 434 185
S18WinsloweSU 470 155
S23NurslingSU 361 158
S26BishopstokeSU 474 201
BishopstokeSU 463 186
BrownwichSU 522 036
W1SU 444 282
W2SU 467 333
W3SU 522 298
W5SU 520 265

Coding sequence integral with Isle of Wight & Portsmouth

Gun Strengths

Battle of Britain & the Blitz

Dates4.5 inch3.7 inch static3.7 inch mobile
May-Jun 408816
Jul-Aug 408823
Sep 408815
Oct-Nov 408816
Dec 40-Jan 418204
Feb 418208
Mar-Apr 417204
May 418204

Overlord & Diver

Dates4.5 inch3.7 inch MkVI3.7 inch static3.7 inch mobile
Mar 4444368
Apr 444436116
Jun 44083084
Jul 44083024
Aug 44084012
Jan 4508400
May 450800

Heavy AA Regiments known to have occupied sites in this GDA

Sep 3972 (Hampshire) Anti-Aircraft Regiment
Mar 4076 (Gloucestershire) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment
The Royal Artillery 1939-45