79 Searchlight Regiment RA (TA)

79 Searchlight Regiment RA (TA) was formed in September 1940 with three batteries. The Regiment served in Anti-Aircraft Command  in London and the South East until disbadment. 79 Searchlight Regiment RA (TA) was disbanded in December 1944 at Hatfield Peveril, Chelmsford.

Illustrations of the formation badges under which a unit served or supported are given. This is no guarantee that the unit used this formations badge.

Oct 40   Formed  
Oct 40 1 AA Div 79 Searchlight Regiment RA (TA) 1 Anti-Aircraft Division, 38 Anti-Aircraft Brigade London, UK
Oct 42 Anti-Aircraft Command 79 Searchlight Regiment RA (TA) 1 Anti-Aircraft Group, 38 Anti-Aircraft Brigade London, UK
Jan 43 Anti-Aircraft Command 2 Anti-Aircraft Division, 38 Anti-Aircraft Brigade South East England
Mar 44 Anti-Aircraft Command 2 Anti-Aircraft Division, 47 Anti-Aircraft Brigade South East England
Oct 44 Anti-Aircraft Command 2 Anti-Aircraft Division, 27 Anti-Aircraft Brigade South East England
Dec 44   Disbanded Chelmsford, Essex, UK



Oct 40 502, 503, 504
May 42 342, 502, 503, 504
Mar 44 502, 503, 504


The Royal Artillery 1939-45