2 Medium Regiment RA

2 Medium Brigade was re-designated 2 Medium Regiment RA in May 1938. It was re-organised with two batteries in February 1939. The Regiment went to France with the BEF in 1939. It moved to the Middle East in 1943 and Italy in 1944. In April 1947, 2 Medium Regiment RA was re-designated 39 Medium Regiment RA.

Illustrations of the formation badges under which a unit served or supported are given. This is no guarantee that the unit used this formations badge.

3 Sep 39 South East Command 2 Medium Regiment RA Aldershot Command Longmoor, Hampshire, UK
Oct 39   British Expeditionary Force France
Jun 40   Home Forces UK
Mar 43 10 Army 2 Medium Regiment RA 10 Army Iraq
May 43 9 Army 9 Army Palestine
Aug 43 Middle East Land Forces GHQ Middle East Forces N Africa
Jan 44   10 Army Group RA Italy
May 44 6 Army Group RA - Cassino 6 Army Group RA Cassino, Italy
Mar 45   7 Army Group RA Italy



3 Sep 39 4/7, 8/12



Sep 39 60 pdr Gun, Scammell Tractor




The Royal Artillery 1939-45