102 (Pembroke Yeomanry) Medium Regiment RA (TA)

102 (Pembroke Yeomanry) Medium Regiment RA (TA) was converted in September 1943 from 102 Field Regiment. In January 1946 the Regiment was placed in suspended animation. 102 (Pembroke Yeomanry) Medium Regiment RA (TA) was reconstituted as 302 (Pembroke Yeomanry) Field Regiment RA (TA) in January 1947.

Illustrations of the formation badges under which a unit served or supported are given. This is no guarantee that the unit used this formations badge.

Sep 43   Formed from 102 Field Regiment  
Sep 43 Middle East Land Forces Middle East Forces N Africa
Sep 43 8 Army 102 (Pembroke Yeomanry) Medium Regiment RA (TA) 8 Army Italy
May 44 2 Army Group RA 2 Army Group RA Cassino, Italy



Sep 43 405, 406




The Royal Artillery 1939-45