57 (Newfoundland) Heavy Regiment RA

57 (Newfoundland) Heavy Regiment RA was formed at Stone Court, Stapleford in April 1940 from a cadre from 71 Field Regiment RA(TA). The Regiment was converted in November 1941 to 166 (Newfoundland) Field Regiment RA.

Illustrations of the formation badges under which a unit served  or supported are given. This is no guarantee that the unit used this formations badge.

8 Apr 40   Formed Stone Court, Stapleford, Sussex, UK
Jul 40   Adopted Newfoundland title UK
Aug 40 Eastern Command 57 (Newfoundland) Heavy Regiment RA Eastern Command UK
15 Nov 41   Became 166 Field Regiment  


Apr 40 A, B, C, D


Apr 40 A, B, C Btys 4 x 9.2 inch Howitzers each, D Bty 4 x 6 inch Guns


The Royal Artillery 1939-45