71 (Forth) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA)

71 (Forth) Anti-Aircraft Brigade RA (TA) was formed in November 1938 at Dunfermline. It was re-designated as 71 Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) in January 1939 and had the “Forth” title restored in the July. In June 1940 it was re-designated as 71 (Forth) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA). The Regiment served in Anti-Aircraft Command until May 1942. In December 1942 it moved to Algeria and then Tunisia and on to Italy. 71 (Forth) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) was placed in suspended animation somewhere between October 1945 and February 1946. It was reconstituted as 471 (Forth) (M) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) in January 1947.

Illustrations of the formation badges under which a unit served or supported are given. This is no guarantee that the unit used this formations badge.

Sep 39 3 AA Division 71 (Forth) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) 3 Anti-Aircraft Division, 36 Anti-Aircraft Brigade Edinburgh, UK
Oct 41 11 AA Div 71 (Forth) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) 11 Anti-Aircraft Division, 34 Anti-Aircraft Brigade Birmingham, UK
Jan 42 6 AA Div 71 (Forth) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) 6 Anti-Aircraft Division, 29 Anti-Aircraft Brigade Kent, UK
May 42 War Office 71 (Forth) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) War Office Reserve UK
Dec 42 1st Army 1 Army, 52 Anti-Aircraft Brigade Algeria
May 43 1st Army 1 Army, 22 Anti-Aircraft Brigade Tunisia
Sep 43 8 Army 8 Army Italy
Jan 44 Allied Forces HQ 25 Anti-Aircraft Brigade Allied Forces HQ, 66 Anti-Aircraft Brigade Salerno, Italy
Jul 44 US 5 Army US 5 Army, 62 Anti-Aircraft Brigade Anzio, Italy
Feb 45   Home Forces UK



Sep 39 227, 229
Jul 40 227, 229, 325
Feb 41 227, 229, 325, 382
Jun 41 227, 229, 317, 325
Feb 42 227, 229, 325



Nov 42 3 inch Guns

Gun Sites Occupied

229 Battery

Dates Gun Site Gun Defended Area
Jan 42?? C6 Fridaywood Farm Colchester


The Royal Artillery 1939-45