175 Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA)

175 Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) was formed at Clifton in October 1942. The Regiment served with Anti-Aircraft Command until April 1943 when it transferred to War Office control. The following month it moved to Gibraltar. 175 Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) was considered a new War Formed Regiment in January 1947 and in the April was re-designated 113 Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA.

Illustrations of the formation badges under which a unit served or supported are given. This is no guarantee that the unit used this formations badge.

Oct 42   Formed Clifton, Bristol, UK
Oct 42 Anti-Aircraft Command 175 Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) 3 Anti-Aircraft Group, 46 Anti-Aircraft Brigade UK
Dec 42 Anti-Aircraft Command 175 Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) 3 Anti-Aircraft Group, 63 Anti-Aircraft Brigade Scotland
Apr 43 War Office War Office Reserve UK
May 43 HQ Gibraltar HQ Gibralter, 15 Anti-Aircraft Brigade Gibraltar
Feb 44 HQ Gibraltar HQ Gibralter, HQRA Gibraltar



Oct 42 375, 386, 441
May 43 228, 375, 386, 441
Aug 43 375, 386, 441, 596
Mar 44 375, 386, 441, 596, 451 LAA, 1 Radar Bty, 142 Gun Operations Room, 1 AA Z Troop
Aug 44 375, 386, 441, 451 LAA, 1 Radar Bty, 142 Gun Operations Room
Oct 44 375, 386, 451 LAA, 142 Gun Operations Room


The Royal Artillery 1939-45