Survey Regiment Battery


The information for a Survey Regiment Battery is based on War Establishment III/13/8 dated 23 November 1943.

Recce Party

Svy RCar 4 Seater 4×4Battery Commander (Maj), Batman/Driver
Svy MC1MotorcycleBC’s Orderly
Svy RACar 5 cwt 4×4Observation Troop Commander (Capt), Surveyor, Batman/Driver
Svy MC2MotorcycleOrderly
Svy RBCar 5 cwt 4×4Sound Ranging Troop Commander (Capt), Surveyor, Batman/Driver
Svy MC3MotorcycleOrderly
Svy RCCar 5 cwt 4×4Survey Troop Commander (Capt), Surveyor, Batman/Driver
Svy MC4MotorcycleOrderly

Battery HQ Party

Svy K1Car 5 cwt 4×4Captain, Batman/Driver
Svy MC5MotorcycleOrderly
Svy K2Truck 15 cwt OfficeClerk, Surveyor, Driver
Svy M1Truck 15 cwt
Fitted for Wireles (FFW)
2 x Signallers, Gunner, 2 x Driver/Operators –
Wireless set No.19
Svy K3Truck 15 cwt GS3 x Gunners local defence, Driver – 2 x LMG’s
Svy MC6MotorcycleBattery Sergeant Major
Svy MC7MotorcycleVehicle Mechanic

Observation Troop

Svy OA1Truck 15 cwt 4×4Subaltern, Driver
Svy MC8MotorcycleOrderly
Svy OA2Truck 15 cwt 4×2 GS2 x Gunners (line & wireless), Driver
Svy OA3Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFWSergeant Surveyor, 2 x Surveyors, 2 x Driver Operators
Svy OA4Truck 15 cwt 4×25 x Surveyors, Gunner (line & wireless), Driver
Svy OA5Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFWSergeant Surveyor, 2 x Surveyors, 2 x Driver Operators
Svy OA6Truck 15 cwt 4×2
Cable laying
5 x Surveyors, Gunner (line & wireless), Driver
Svy OA7Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFWSergeant Surveyor, 2 x Surveyors, 2 x Driver Operators
Svy OA8Truck 15 cwt 4×25 x Surveyors, Gunner (line & wireless), Driver
Svy OA9Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFWSergeant Surveyor, 2 x Surveyors, 2 x Driver Operators
Svy OA10Truck 15 cwt 4×25 x Surveyors, Gunner (line & wireless), Driver

Computing Centre

Svy GA1Car 5 cwt 4×4Subaltern, Sergeant Surveyor, Batman/Driver
Svy MC9MotorcycleOrderly
Svy MC10MotorcycleSignals Sergeant
Svy GA2Truck 15 cwt 4×2 Office4 x Surveyors, Driver – Office stores, LMG
Svy GA3Lorry 3 tom 4X4 GS5 x Surveyors, Driver – Plotting, technical stores
Svy GA4Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW2 x Signallers, 2 x Driver operators – 2 x wireless sets

Observation Troop Echelon

Svy QA1Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSBatman, 2 x Cooks ACC, Water Dutyman, Driver –
Cooking sets, Rations, LMG, PIAT, tows Water trailer
Svy QA2Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSStoreman, Driver – MT stores
Svy MC11MotorcycleVehicle Mechanic

Sound Ranging Troop

Observation & Microphone Section

Svy OB1Truck 15 cwt 4×4Subaltern, Sergeant Surveyor, Driver
Svy MC12MotorcycleOrderly
Svy MC13MotorcycleSurveyor
Svy OB2Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW
(radio link)
2 x Surveyors, Signaller, Gunner (line & wireless),
Driver – Advanced Post
Svy OB3Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW
(radio link)
Surveyor, Signaller, Gunner (line & wireless),
Svy OB4Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW
(radio link)
Surveyor, Signaller, Gunner (line & wireless),
Svy OB5Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW
(radio link)
Surveyor, Signaller, Gunner (line & wireless),
Svy OB6Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW
(radio link)
Surveyor, Signaller, Gunner (line & wireless),
Svy OB7Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW
(radio link)
Surveyor, Signaller, Gunner (line & wireless),
Svy OB8Truck 15 cwt 4×2 GSSignaller, 2 x Gunners (line & wireless),

Computing Centre

Svy GB1Car 5 cwt 4×4Subaltern, Batman/Driver
Svy MC14MotorcycleOrderly
Svy MC15MotorcycleSignals Sergeant
Svy GB2Truck 15 cwt
(radio link)
2 x Signallers, 2 x Driver Operators
Svy GB3Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW3 x Surveyors, Signaller, Driver – Recorders wireless set
Svy GB4Truck 15 cwt 4×2
Sergeant Surveyor, 4 x Surveyors, Driver –
Office stores
Svy GB5Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GS2 x Surveyors, Signaller, Gunner (line & wireless),
Driver – LMG
Svy GB6Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW4 x Surveyors, Driver – Line laying, PIAT
Svy GB7Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW4 x Surveyors, Driver
Truck 15 cwt 4×2
(Meteorlogical section)
Flt Lt/Sgt RAF, Corporal RAF, LAC RAF, Driver

Sound Ranging Troop Echelon

Svy QB1Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSBatman, 2 x Cooks ACC, Water Dutyman, Driver –
Cooking sets, Rations, 2 x LMG’s, Tows Water trailer
Svy QB2Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSStoreman, Telecommunications Mechanic REME, Driver –
Q & MT stores
Svy MC16MotorcycleVehicle Mechanic

Survey Troop HQ

Svy M1Truck 15 cwt 4×4Signaller, 2 x Driver Operators

Survey Sections

Section 1Section 2
Svy OC1Svy OC5Car 5 cwt 4×4Subaltern, Surveyor, Batman/Driver
Svy MC17Svy MC18MotorcycleOrderly
Svy OC2Svy OC6Car 5 cwt 4×4 & Trailer2 x Surveyors
Svy OC3Svy OC7Car 5 cwt 4×4 & Trailer2 x Surveyors
Svy OC4Svy OC8Car 5 cwt 4×4 & Trailer2 x Surveyors
Svy GC1Svy GC2Truck 15 cwt 4×4Sergeant Surveyor, 4 x Surveyors, Driver

Survey Troop Echelon

Svy QC1Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSBatman, 2 x Cooks ACC, Water Dutyman, Driver –
Cooking sets, Rations, LMG, Tows Water trailer
Svy QC2Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSStoreman, Driver – Quartermaster & Technical
stores, PIAT
Svy MC19MotorcycleVehicle Mechanic

Battery Echelon

Svy Q1Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSBQMS, Corporal Cook ACC, Driver – Q stores
Svy Q2Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSSergeant Surveyor, Technical Storeman,
Equipment Repairer, Carpenter & Joiner,
Vehicle Mechanic, Driver –
MT stores, 2 x LMG’s, PIAT
Svy Q3Truck 15 cwt 4×2 WaterDriver (trained in water duties)
The Royal Artillery 1939-45