Medium Gun Battery 1944

The information for a Medium Gun Battery 1944 is based on War Establishment III/10/5 dated 7 January 1944. The organisation is for two batteries each of eight guns.

Battery Commander’s Party

X Light Tank Observation Post Battery Commander, Observation Post
Assistant, Driver Operator, Driver Mechanic
X2 Car 5 cwt 4×4 Batman/Driver – For Battery Commander
when required
H Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW Command Post Officer, CPO Assistant,
2 x Driver Operators
M1 Truck 15 cwt 4×2 6 x Signallers, Driver – Mechanical cable layer
MC1 Motorcycle Battery Commander’s Orderly
MC2 Motorcycle Command Post Officer’s Assistant
MC3 Motorcycle Command Post Officer’s Orderly


“O” Party

RA Armoured Observation Post Forward Observer (Captain), Observation Post
Assistant, Driver Operator, Driver Mechanic
(RC in 2nd battery)
MC4 Motorcycle Signaller
RB Armoured Observation Post Forward Observer (Captain), Observation Post
Assistant, Driver Operator, Driver Mechanic
(RD in 2nd battery)
MC5 Motorcycle Signaller


“G” Party

GA Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW A Troop Gun Position Officer, GPO Assistant,
2 x Signallers, 2 x Driver Operators
(GC in 2nd battery)
JA Car 5 cwt 4×4 A Troop Sergeant Major, Artificer RA
(JC in 2nd battery)
M2 Truck 15 cwt 4×2 4 x Signallers, 2 x Batmen, Driver
GB Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW B Troop Gun Position Officer, GPO Assistant,
2 x Signallers, 2 x Driver Operators
(GD in 2nd battery)
JB Car 5 cwt 4×4 B Troop Sergeant Major, Artificer RA
(JD in 2nd battery)
M3 Truck 15 cwt 4×2 4 x Signallers, 2 x Batmen, Driver


Battery HQ Party

Y Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW Assistant Command Post Officer,
2 x CPO’s Assistants, Driver
K1 Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW Battery Captain 2i/c (BK), Driver Operator
K2 Truck 15 cwt 4×2 Clerk, 2 x LMG numbers, Driver
MC6 Motorcycle Signals Sergeant
MC7 Motorcycle Battery Captain’s Orderly


Gun Group

TLA Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW A Troop Leader, Gun Position Officer’s Assistant,
Signaller, 2 x Driver Operators
(TLC in 2nd battery)
M4 Truck 15 cwt 4×2 3 x Signallers, 2 x LMG numbers, Batman,
Vehicle Mechanic, Driver
AA Tractor 4×4 Medium Gun crew numbers 1-10, Driver Mechanic, Driver –
carries 40 rounds. Tows a gun
(CA in 2nd battery)
AB Tractor 4×4 Medium Gun crew numbers 1-10, Driver Mechanic, Driver –
carries 40 rounds. Tows a gun
(CB in 2nd battery)
AC Tractor 4×4 Medium Gun crew numbers 1-10, Driver Mechanic, Driver –
carries 40 rounds. Tows a gun
(CC in 2nd battery)
AD Tractor 4×4 Medium Gun crew numbers 1-10, Driver Mechanic, Driver –
carries 40 rounds. Tows a gun
(CD in 2nd battery)
TLB Truck 15 cwt 4×2 FFW B Troop Leader, Gun Position Officer’s Assistant,
Signaller, 2 x Driver Operators
(TLD in 2nd battery)
M5 Truck 15 cwt 4×2 5 x Signallers, 2 x LMG numbers, Batman, Vehicle Mechanic, Driver
or BA
Tractor 4×4 Medium Gun crew numbers 1-10, Driver Mechanic, Driver –
carries 40 rounds. Tows a gun
(DE or DA in 2nd battery)
or BB
Tractor 4×4 Medium Gun crew numbers 1-10, Driver Mechanic, Driver –
carries 40 rounds. Tows a gun
(DF or DB in 2nd battery)
or BC
Tractor 4×4 Medium Gun crew numbers 1-10, Driver Mechanic, Driver –
carries 40 rounds. Tows a gun
(DG or DC in 2nd battery)
or BD
Tractor 4×4 Medium Gun crew numbers 1-10, Driver Mechanic, Driver –
carries 40 rounds. Tows a gun
(DH or DD in 2nd battery)
J Car 5 cwt 4×4 Battery Sergeant Major, Vehicle Mechanic


Ammunition Group

Amn1 Truck 3 ton 4×4 2 x Ammunition numbers, Driver – carries 80 rounds
4.5 inch or 50 rounds 5.5 inch
Amn2 Truck 3 ton 4×4 2 x Ammunition numbers, Driver – carries 80 rounds
4.5 inch or 50 rounds 5.5 inch
Amn3 Truck 3 ton 4×4 2 x Ammunition numbers, Driver – carries 80 rounds
4.5 inch or 50 rounds 5.5 inch
Amn4 Truck 3 ton 4×4 2 x Ammunition numbers, Driver – carries 80 rounds
4.5 inch or 50 rounds 5.5 inch
Amn5 Truck 3 ton 4×4 2 x Ammunition numbers, Driver – carries 80 rounds
4.5 inch or 50 rounds 5.5 inch
Amn6 Truck 3 ton 4×4 2 x Ammunition numbers, Driver –
carries 50 rounds 5.5 inch
Amn7 Truck 3 ton 4×4 2 x Ammunition numbers, Driver –
carries 50 rounds 5.5 inch
Amn8 Truck 3 ton 4×4 2 x Ammunition numbers, Driver –
carries 50 rounds 5.5 inch
Amn9 Truck 3 ton 4×4 2 x Ammunition numbers, Driver –
carries 50 rounds 5.5 inch
Amn10 Truck 3 ton 4×4 3 x Batmen, Driver – carries 80 rounds 4.5 inch or
30 rounds 5.5 inch
  Tractor 4×4 Medium Driver Mechanic, Driver – Spare tractor
  Travelling platform 20 mm Anti-Aircraft Gun
  Travelling platform 20 mm Anti-Aircraft Gun


B Echelon

Truck 3 ton 4×4 Battery Quartermaster Sergeant, Clerk, Storeman, Driver
Truck 3 ton 4×4 Storeman Technical, Equipment Repairer,
Vehicle Mechanic, Electrician Royal Signals, Driver
Q3 Truck 3 ton 4×4 Driver – Petrol
Q4 Truck 3 ton 4×4 4 x Cooks Army Catering Corps, Sanitary Dutyman, Driver
Q5 Truck 3 ton 4×4 3 x Cooks Army Catering Corps, 2 x LMG numbers, Driver
Q6 Truck 15 cwt 4×2 Water Tank Water Dutyman, Driver


The Royal Artillery 1939-45