Self Propelled (M10) Anti-Tank Battery 1944

The organisation is for a Battery equipped with M10 3 inch Guns. Batteries with M10 17 pdrs were the same except for the following differences:

The Troop Universal Carriers (RA, RB & RC) were replaced with an OP Tank.
The guns carried 50 rounds of ammunition instead of 54. Therefore extra ammunition was needed in the ammunition vehicles.
The two 3 ton Lorries in each Troop (A5,A6 etc.) carried 80 rounds each.

R Group

XUniversal CarrierBattery Commander (Maj)(BC), Driver Operator,
Driver Mechanic – Wireless set No.19
Bty J1Truck 15 cwt Fitted for
Wireless (FFW)
Captain, 2 x Driver Operators – Wireless set No.19
Bty J2Universal CarrierSubaltern, Driver Operator, Driver Mechanic –
Wireless set No.18 or 38
Bty J3Car 5 cwt 4×4Battery Sergeant Major, Vehicle Mechanic
MC1MotorcycleSignals Sergeant

F Group

KTruck 15 cwt GSBattery Captain (2i/c)(BK), 2 x Batmen, Clerk, Driver
Truck 15 cwt GSClerk, 2 x Batmen, Driver – Cooking sets, Rations

T Group

Truck 15 cwt GSStoreman Technical, Vehicle Mechanic,
2 x Cooks ACC, Driver – Cooked food distribution
Q3Truck 15 cwt GSSanitary Dutyman, 2 x Cooks ACC, 2 x Gunners
local defence, Driver – 2 x LMG’s, Tows 20mm Gun
on Travelling Platform
Q4Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSGun Fitter, Vehicle Mechanic, Driver – PIAT, Petrol
Q5Truck 15 cwt WaterWater Dutyman, Driver
Q6Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSGun Fitter, Driver – Fuel for M10’s
Q7Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSBQMS, Storeman, Equipment Repairer, Corporal
Cook ACC, Driver – LMG, QM’s stores
MC4MotorcycleVehicle Mechanic
Q8Carrier Starting & ChargingElectician REME, Driver Mechanic, Driver

Gun Group

A TroopB TroopC Troop
RARBRCUniversal CarrierSubaltern, Signaller, Driver Operator,
Driver Mechanic – Wireless set
No.19, PIAT
Bty J4Bty J5Bty J6Car 5 cwt 4×4Sergeant, Batman/Driver
Bty A1Bty B1Bty C1M10 3 inchSergeant, 2 x Gun Numbers, Driver
Operator, Driver Mechanic –
Wireless set No.19, 54 rounds ammo,
Bty A2Bty B2Bty C2M10 3 inchSergeant, 2 x Gun Numbers, Driver
Operator, Driver Mechanic –
Wireless set No.19, 54 rounds ammo,
Bty A3Bty B3Bty C3M10 3 inchSergeant, 2 x Gun Numbers, Driver
Operator, Driver Mechanic –
Wireless set No.19, 54 rounds ammo,
Bty A4Bty B4Bty C4M10 3 inchSergeant, 2 x Gun Numbers, Driver
Operator, Driver Mechanic –
Wireless set No.19, 54 rounds ammo,
Bty A5Bty B5Bty C5Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSGun Fitter, 6 x Ammo Numbers,
Driver – 72 rounds ammo, 2 inch Mortar, LMG
Bty A6Bty B6Bty C6Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSVehicle Mechanic, 6 x Ammo Numbers,
Driver – 72 rounds ammo, 2 inch Mortar, LMG
The Royal Artillery 1939-45