Self Propelled Archer 17 pounder Battery January 1945

War Establishment for a Battery in 21 Army Group consisting of three Troops each of three Archers

R Group

XValentine TankBattery Commander (Maj), Driver Operator,
Driver Mechanic AFV
X2Universal Carrier
(may be replaced
by Car 5 cwt 4×4)
Driver Operator, Driver Mechanic
Bty J1Car 5 cwt 4×4Captain, Vehicle Mechanic
Bty J2Car 5 cwt 4×4Subaltern, Batman/Driver
MC1MotorcycleBattery Sergeant Major

F Group

KCar 5 cwt 4×4Battery Captain 2i/c (BK), Vehicle Mechanic
Truck 15 cwt 4×2 GS2 x Cooks ACC, 2 x Batmen, Driver – Cooking sets, Rations

Gun Group

A TroopB TroopC Troop
RARBRCValentine TankSubaltern, Driver Mechanic AFV, Driver
Operator – Wireless set No.19
Bty J3Bty J4Bty J5Carrier AOPSergeant, Driver Operator, Driver
Mechanic – Wireless set No.19, PIAT
Bty J6Bty J7Bty J8Car 5 cwt 4×4Batman Driver
Bty A1Bty B1Bty C1Archer SP 17 pdrSergeant, 2 x Gun Numbers, Driver
Operator – Wireless set No.19,
39 rounds ammo, LMG
Bty A4Bty B4Bty C4Truck 15 cwt GS2 x Gun Numbers, Driver –
30 rounds ammo, LMG
Bty A2Bty B2Bty C2Archer SP 17 pdrSergeant, 2 x Gun Numbers, Driver
Operator – Wireless set No.19,
39 rounds ammo, LMG
Bty A5Bty B5Bty C5Truck 15 cwt GS2 x Gun Numbers, Driver –
30 rounds ammo, LMG
Bty A3Bty B3Bty C3Archer SP 17 pdrSergeant, 2 x Gun Numbers, Driver
Operator – Wireless set No.19,
39 rounds ammo, LMG
Bty A6Bty B6Bty C6Truck 15 cwt GS2 x Gun Numbers, Driver –
30 rounds ammo, LMG
Bty A7Bty B7Bty C7Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSGun Fitter, 2 x Ammo Numbers,
Driver – 102 rounds ammo, 2 inch Mortar
Bty A8Bty B8Bty C8Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSVehicle Mechanic, Ammo Number,
Driver – 102 rounds ammo, 2 inch Mortar

T Group

Truck 15 cwt GSClerk, Batman, Cook ACC, Driver –
Cooked food distribution, LMG
Q3Truck 15 cwt WaterWater Dutyman, Driver
Q4Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSStoreman Technical, Equipment Repairer,
Vehicle Mechanic, Gun Fitter, Driver –
Technical stores, Petrol
Q5Lorry 3 ton 4×4 GSBQMS, 2 x Cooks ACC, Vehicle Mechanic,
Sanitary Dutyman, Storeman, Driver –
Q stores, LMG, PIAT
Q6Carrier Starting & ChargingElectrician, Driver Mechanic

The Royal Artillery 1939-45