Home Forces 1940

The orders of battle on this and following pages may give a somewhat optimistic view of the state of the country’s defences. It should be remembered that many of the units listed had little or no equipment and much of what was available was at best obsolescent if not obsolete. Some units were no more than a cadre and many RA units spent the first few months after the fall of France as infantry. Even then, most units had only sufficient personal weapons for about one third of the troops.


Home Forces Autumn 1940


Western Command
47 Infantry Division
5 Infantry Division
46 Infantry Division
51 Infantry Division
53 Infantry Division
61 Infantry Division


1 Infantry Division
2 Infantry Division
44 Infantry Division
18 Infantry Division
52 Infantry Division
38 Infantry Division
2 Armoured Division
42 Infantry Division
43 Infantry Division


4 Infantry Division
50 Infantry Division
54 Infantry Division
59 Infantry Division
1 Armoured Division
1 Canadian Infantry Division
15 Infantry Division
55 Infantry Division


3 Infantry Division
48 Infantry Division
56 Infantry Division
45 Infantry Division




The Royal Artillery 1939-45